
The unique, three–pole structure makes it easy to blend telecommunications equipment into the urban landscape. Tri–poles often do double–duty as signs at commercial and public facilities. Shrouded Tri-Pole The shrouded…

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The unique, three–pole structure makes it easy to blend telecommunications equipment into the urban landscape. Tri–poles often do double–duty as signs at commercial and public facilities.

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Trylon’s Mono–pine is an innovative solution for wooded settings. It is a step–tapered pole ranging in height from 24.4m to 36.6m (80 to 120 feet), with artificial branches and needles…

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Trylon has been manufacturing steel structures and components for nearly 90 years and we take pride in our ability to meet a diverse range of customer requirements. Trylon has a…

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Trylon’s engineering team has decades of experience in steel structures; our people have the qualifications to work in every jurisdiction in Canada and the United Sates. Trylon has extensive manufacturing…

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